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FUERTE SUERTE MUSIC PUBLISHING (BMI)/BIG DADDY G. MUSIC PUBLISHING (ASCAP) (Division's of SEI Corp) has some great songs available for your next production. The saying that a hit is a hit is a hit goes a long way in the music business. Recurrent covers of existing hit songs are a staple of the music business. If you have a problem contacting our publishing representative(s) simply email us or write us at SEI Corp. P.O. Box 1373, Agoura Hills, CA 91376.
- #1- Omar Javier Morales
- 1-2-3- Marco Linares - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- A Bailar- D.Choy/W. Brown - performed by Gaby
- A Beautiful Day- Marco Linares- performed by the Jazztactic Duo
- A Girl Like Me- Fatima Marques- performed by Fatima Marques
- A La Ducha- Phillips/Mason/Williams- performed by Dicky Rankin
- A Quien No Le Gusta- Phillips/Mason/Morgan/Vargas- performed by Jam & Suppose
- A Quien Se La Dedidco- ozzie forbes/lester marquez - performed by Chezina and DJ Nelson
- Abran Paso - S. Biscomb Daly/L. Phillips - performed by Reggae Sam
- Abrazame Otra Vez- Edwin Pulgar - performed by Argenis Carruyo
- Abre La Total - Dinletir/William
- After The Club- Oscar Ibanez - performed by LP and The Gang
- Advertencia- Phiilips/Mason/Rennalls - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Agneya Brow Chakra - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Agressive Rhythm- Jamie Arredondo
- Al Oido- Jorge Nicolas Rodriguez - performed by Nico Canada
- All Alone- M. Dunlap - performed by Michael Dunlap from the movie Street Wars
- Alto Voltage- Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Amantes Bandidos - Leonardo Renato Aulder performed by Renato and Mentalidad
- Amante Fiel- Nestor Daniel Hoyer performed by Nestor Daniel
- Amazing Grace- Maurice Martin II
- America- version L. Aulder - performed by Renato
- Americano- L. Schultz/R. Abramzon - performed by Jose Feliciano
- Americano- L. Schultz/R. Abramzon - performed by the Jazz Singers
- Anita- George Martinez - performed by George Martinez and the Aces, The Moonlight Trio
- Amor Para Que- Katherine Phillips - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Amor Prohibido- J. Patrono/A. Patrono BMG Music Publishing on behalf of Fuerte Suerte Music performed by Los Diablos
- Another Cup of Wine - George Martinez - performed by George Martinez and the Aces
- Anahata Heart Chakra- Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil- performed by Sri Madhu
- Anoche Tuve Un Sueno- L. Phillips/G.Mason/A. Barret - performed by Traficantes "Lady Ann"
- Ansiedad- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Antologia - L. Phillips/K. Phillips - performed by Kathy
- Aprietame- David Choy - performed by Wilfredo Vargas
- Arabian- Jamie Arredondo
- Armed and Dangerous- Dunlap/Mack/Mor-Sha performed by CJ Mack from the movie Street Wars
- Art of Love - Marco Linares - preformed by Jazztastic Duo
- Ay Amor- L. Phillips/G. Mason/G. Rodriguez - performed by Traficantes "Jimmy Bad Boy"
- Ay Cariño- J. Feliciano/L. Schultz - performed by Jose Feliciano
- Ayer - Marco Linares/Antonio Imbert - performed by 2pak and the Ragga Force Allstars
- Bailando- G. Smith/E. Montero - performed by Cocoman
- Baila En LA Calle - Choy/Aulder/Dunlap EMI Blackwood Music performed by Kathy
- Baila Sin Control- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia//Enrigue Dominguez performed by Cellula
- Bailalo Asi- Choy/Brown - performed by Gaby
- Baila Hoola-Hop - David Choy EMI Blackwood Music performed by Kathy
- Baila Mi Swing - Choy/Biscomb/Dunlap EMI Blackwood Music performed by Kathy
- Baile Del Tao Tao El Meneaito Arrebatao- Alcides Vargas, Big Daddy G., Luis Phillips - performed by Mista Jam
- Bailen Toda La Noche- Raymond Linares performed by Jan & Juniko
- Bailey Diddle- Glendon Bailey/Owen Rennalls - performed by Admiral Bailey
- Batidora - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato 507
- Beautiful Day - Marco Linares
- Be Mine - Owen Rennalls/Paul Lewis- performed by Mister Lew
- Boat on the Roof - George Martinez - George Martinez and the Aces
- Bomba- Mason/Phillips/Aulder - performed by Renato
- Bombay Girl - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Boom Boom Bum - Asador/Robison/Rennalls performed by Jazzmore and Pure Class
- Bow Wow Wow- D.Choy/A.Vargas/L.Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Boy friends (Dilemma)- Samuel Blankson
- Brincar Y Bailar-D.Choy/W. Brown/D.Dunlap - performed by Kathy and Gaby
- Britto Bounce - Luz Angela Jimenez - performed by Luz Angela
- Broadcast News- Dunlap/Mack from the movie Street Wars
- Brujeria- Phillips/Mason/Tutto/Major - performed by Dangerous and Nando
- Bum Bum - Luis Phillips, Big Daddy G.
- Buzz - John O'Herron performed by John O
- Caliente - Leonardo Renato Aulder/Luis Phillips - performed by Renato
- Camion Lleno de Gun- Alcides Vargas, Louis Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Camion Lleno de Gun Remix Alcides Vargas, Louis Morgan, Big Daddy G. - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Canten (Cantien)- raymond linares - performed by Froggy & Indio
- Caramelo - Leonardo Renato Aulder- performed by Renato with DJ Willy
- Cats N' Dogs - Gerardo Garcia - performed by Marco Linares
- Celular - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Cellular - R.Williams/P. Dinletir - performed by Jr. Ranks
- Chanchullera- raymond linares performed by Kamel, Casper and Fen X
- Chemical Infusion- Jamie Arredondo
- Chicas Preocupadas - Acevedo/Centeno/ Rennalls - performed by Daddy Rasta & Crazy Boy
- Chicas Vengan- Luis Phillips - performed by Ness y Los Sensacionales
- Chicu Chilo - L. Phillips/G.Mason/A. Barret - performed by Traficantes "Lady Ann"
- Chocolate - Choy/Aulder/Dunlap EMI Blackwood Music - performed by Kathy/Renato
- Chupa Cabra - A. Barrett/L. Phillips - performed by Lady Ann
- Cinturita - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Cocobolo- R.Williams/P. Dinletir - performed by Cocobolo
- Coconuts - Big Daddy G.
- Coge - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Comet Dancer - Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Como Tu- Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Competencia No Hay- Phillips/Mason/Addes - performed by Keribel
- Con La Musica- raymond linares - performed by Jan y Juniko
- Contigo En La Distancia- Cesar Portillo - performed by Marco Linares
- Cortando Flores - Ernesto Pulgar - performed by Argenis Carruyo
- Cruisin L.A. - Big Daddy G. performed by Big Daddy G.
- Cuando Volverá? - Luis Phillips- performed by El Aspirante
- Cuantos Cantantes - Phillips/Vannegas - performed by Reggae Kid
- Cuba Libre - Christian Garcia - performed by Renato
- Cucu Bam Bam - David Choy EMI Blackwood Music - performed by Kathy
- Cuerpo De C - Choy/Vargas/Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Cuesta De La Fama - ozzie forbes/lester marquez - performed by Rey Pirin and DJ Goldy
- Cyberotica (Buzz)- John OHerron- performed by John O
- Dale Cuero - L. Phillips/G.Mason/A Barret - performed by Traficantes "Lady Ann"
- Dale Huevos - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Dale Sweet - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato and Rony Rozzay
- Dame Dame - Leonardo Renato Aluder - performed by Renato
- Dame Un Beso - L. Phillips/A. Barret - performed by Lady Ann
- Damelo Mama- Aulder/Phillips/Mason - performed by Renato
- Dance At Midnight- Jaime Arredondo
- Dance of The Tiger - Marco Linares/Big Daddy G. performed by The Mantra Bros.
- De Alante Alante - Samgar Biscomb - performed by Reggae Sam
- Decidete - A.Castelo/L.Garcia BMG Music Publishing on behalf of Fuerte Suerte Music performed by Los Diablos
- Deep Within- Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Dejame Sonar- raymond linares - performed by Pj
- Del Ka Vole- R.Williams/P. Dinletir - performed by Dr. James
- Demencia - J. Castillo/O. Santamaria/L. Phillips/G. Mason- performed by Traficantes "Deblon & Terrific"
- Dementus Remix - L. Phillips- featuring Mista Jams, Suppose, Renato, Lady Ann, Reggae Sam, Killa Ranks, Mega Denja
- Desorden - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Destrozastes Mi Corazon - L. Phillips/G.Mason/G. Rodriguez - performed by Traficantes
- Detras Del Muro Con Falda - Ivan Broce - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Digital Gartel - Big Daddy G.
- Dilemma - Samuel Blankson
- Dime ¿Por Qué? - Samgar Biscomb Daly - performed by Reggae Sam
- Dime Algo Nuevo- Romulo Castro - performed by Marco Linares
- Dime La Verdad - Nestor Daniel Hoyer - performed by Nestor Daniel
- Do You Like My Body - Nisa McCall (co-published by Brandon Hills Music)
- Donde Estan- ozzie forbes/lester marquez
- Donde Estas - A. Solis BMG Music Publishing performed by Los Diablos
- Donde Quiera Que Estes - Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Donde Vas - Katherine Phillips - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Dream of You - Ron Rios - performed by George Martinez and the Aces
- Drive Me Crazy - Wayne Reed/Owen Rennalls - performed by Avenger
- East of Eden, West of Trance - Marco Linares/Big Daddy G. - performed by The Mantra Bros
- Educando- Choy/Vargas/Morgan/Dunlap - performed by Jam & Suppose
- El Baile de la Cintura- Leonardo Renato Aulder- performed by Renato
- El Baile Del Sweet- D.Choy/W. Brown - performed by Kathy and Gaby
- El Baile del Tao "Meneaito Tao Tao/El Baile Del Tao Tao/Tao Tao Meneaito/Baile del Tao Tao El
- Meneaito Arrebatao- Alcides Vargas, Luis Phillips Big Daddy G. performed by Mista Jams
- El Beeper - G. Smith/E. Montero - performed by Cocoman
- El Chacal - Phillips/Mason/Ranking - performed by Dicky Ranking
- El Cojo- L. Renato Aulder, L.R./D.R./Public Domain
- El Criminal Renato - Phillips/Mason/Aulder - performed by Renato
- El Deni - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- El Cuchicuchi- L. Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- El Empiyamao- Marco Linares/Antonio Imbert - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- El Encendedor - Phillips/Mason/White - performed by Aldo Ranks
- El Gatillo - Phillips/Mason/Reel - performed by Tommy Real aka: Tomy Reel
- El Juicio - Gerardo Garcia -performed by Marco Linares
- El Marciano - G.A. Smith - performed by Cocoman
- EL MENEAITO "Meneaito" (The Original)- Winston Brown
- El Millenium- Luis Phillips - performed by Original Jamaica
- El Muro - Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- El Ocaso De Tu Amor - Nestor Daniel Hoyer - performed by Nestor Daniel
- El Peluche - Mason/Phillips/Aulder - performed by Renato
- El Poder Del Amor - Choy/Vargas/Morgan/Dunlap performed by Suppose with Renato
- El Que No Brinca - Luis Phillips - performed by Deblon Irie and Terrific
- El Rey - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- El Romantico- Biscomb/Mason/Phillips - performed by Reggae Sam
- El Verte Es Illusion - Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- El Viaje - L. Phillips - performed by Killa Ranks
- El Wind and Go Down- D.Choy/W. Brown/D.Dunlap - performed by Gaby
- Ella Quiere...- Ozzie Forbes/Lester Marquez - performed by Miguel y Notty and DJ Nelson
- Ellos Mi Quieren Montar - L. Phillips - performed by Mamy K
- En El Monte - Halliburton, Aulder performed by Renato
- En La Cama - A. Vargas/L. Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- En Mi Fiesta- Leonardo Renato Aulder performed by Renato
- Entren A La Disco- raymond linares - performed by Casper
- E-O-E - Choy/Phillips EMI Blackwood Music performed by Kathy
- Equivocada - Victor Delgado, Katherine Phillips - performed by Kathy
- Eres Especial - Phillips/Mason/Vanegas - performed by Reggae Kid
- Eres Mi Gata - Raymond Linares- performed by Tito Rabia
- Eres Mi Ultima Cancion- L. Schultz/R. Abramzon
- Es La Hora De Beber- Raymond Linares - performed by Tito Rabia
- Estan Listos - Big Daddy G./Karma Master - performed by Traficantes
- Esencia Pura- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Espuma y Viento - Eddie Fernandez, Hidalgo Rosauro, Meyer Angela
- Estilo De Reggae Sam- Samgar Biscomb - performed by Reggae Sam
- Esto Si Esta Bueno- Edwin Pulgar - performed by Argenis Carruyo
- Estoy Sonando Contigo- Edwin Pulgar - performed by Argenis Carruyo
- Estupida - L. Phillips - performed by Killa Ranks
- Escapism- Big Daddy G.- performed by Big Daddy G.
- Etijefki- I.Quintanar/Owen Rennalls - performed by Camarada
- Explotalo - L. Phillips/G.Mason/I. Quintanar - performed by Traficantes "Nash"
- Face Off- Big Daddy G.- performed by Big Daddy G.
- Fact Not Fiction- Dunlap/Jackson performed by Tina Jackson and Michael Dunlap
- Falling Far Away - Luis Castellanos - performed by Suva
- Falso Amor - Nestor Daniel Hoyer
- Fiesta Mix (Original Version)- Big Daddy G, Mauricio Chu
- Fiesty Monster - Paul Dinletir/Big Daddy G.
- Flight of Fancy - Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Fly Away- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- For Momma- Kalvin Overton
- Fusion System (Cruisin LA) - Big Daddy G.
- Gartel Trance (Killum) - Big Daddy G.
- Genesis (My Scream) - Roy Stoler/Uri Levanon
- Get High- Shlomi Aboukrat/Eldad Paz/Uri Levanon
- Girl - L. Phillips - performed by Slow
- Girls Night Off - Oscar Ibanez/Hector Perez/Marcus Talada Wilson
- Gitano Soul- Marco Linares performed by Marco Linares
- Going Out (Going Out)- Daniel J. Plante/Richard V. Arci
- Got To Be Yourself - Dana Brein, Michael Dunlap, Howard Rice - performed by Thelma Houston
- Gratitude- Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Griten - Gabriel Smith/Big Daddy G - performed by Cocoman
- Guerra - Phillips/Mason/Gondola - performed by Kunfu & Robert Dance
- Guial Escuchame - L. Phillips/G. Mason/J. Castillo - performed by Traficantes "Deblon"
- Guial Muevete - Guial Muevete- De La Cruz/L. Phillips/G. Mason - performed by Traficantes
- Guial Que Yo Perdi- L. Phillips/G.Mason/E. De La Cruz - performed by Traficantes "Baby Killa"
- Guiales - Mario Castillo/G Mason/L Phillips - performed by Toby King
- Happiness - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Hasta Que Se Acabe El Mundo- Leonardo Renato Aulder performed by Renato and Mentalidad
- Helpa - L. Phillips - performed by Mega Denja
- He Tenido Un Sueño- Mason, Phillips, Aulder
- Historia Del Amor - L. R. Aulder/L. Phillips/G. Mason - performed by Renato
- Hitman - Phillips/Mason/Castillo - performed by Toby King
- Hold Your Head Up High - Joe Glacken
- Hollywood Kiss- S. Kaiser/De Fuentes/Arenas performed by Los Diablos
- Hombre Peculiar - R.Williams/P. Dinletir - performed by Demphra
- I Fell For You - Phllips/Madrid/Lamboglia/Morales/Diamond performed by Cellula
- Like You (I Like You) - Leonardo Renato Aulder - Renato (Renato 507)
- If You Want Me- Michael Brown
- I'm In The Mood - B. Homil/Owen Rennalls
- I'm Lonely - George Martinez - George Martinez and the Aces
- In Route To Heaven- M. Dunlap performed by Michael Dunlap
- In the Mood to Bahia-Marco Linares- performed by Marco Linares
- Inalcanzable- Katherine Phillips - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Indestructible- Samgar Biscomb - performed by Reggae Sam
- Indian Summer- Marco Linares/Big Daddy G. performed by the Mantra Bros (Mantra Brothers)
- Inolvidable- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Intr Reggaeton Hits Evolucion- raymond linares - performed by Evolucion
- Introduction - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Invocation - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- It's All About Friendship- luz angela jimenez
- It's a Little Easier - George Martinez - performed by George Martinez and the Aces
- It's No Use - George Martinez - performed by George Martinez and the Aces
- It's Time - Raymond Linares
- It's Tricky (Tricky) Big Daddy G Mix - Mizell/McDaniels/Rubin/Simmons/Big Daddy G
- Japonica- Big Daddy G.- performed by Big Daddy G.
- Jam Remix- Mason/Phillips/Rennalls
- Jazzy Breeze - luz angela jimenez - performed by Luz Angela
- Jazzy Prelude - Marco Linares - performed by Jazztastic Duo
- Jingle Bells - Leonardo Renato Aulder, Big Daddy G. - performed by Renato (Renato 507)
- Jump Dance - D.Choy/W. Brown - performed by Gaby
- Jump Up - G. Smith/E. Montero - performed by Cocoman
- Jungle Fever - ozzie forbes/lester marquez - performed by Baby Shabba and DJ Erick
- Journey of Faith - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Just Like That- C.Ewart/Owen Rennalls - performed by Rico Shay
- Keep Going - Cardiff Butt/Owen Rennalls - performed by General Degree
- Killum- Big Daddy G.
- Kundalini (Golden Fluid) - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- La Balaba (La Bala)- Choy/Vargas/Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- La Balada Del Pianista - L. Schultz/R. Abramzon - performed by Jose Feliciano
- La Chica de Los Ojos Café- Leonardo Renato Aulder performed by Renato and Fabulous Cadillacs
- La Cosecha- Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- La Familia Club Mix - L. Phillips vers. G. Mason
- La Girla Lo Que Pide - ozzie forbes/lester marquez - performed by Memo y Vale
- La Inyeccion - Alcides Vargas, Louis Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- La Mafia - S. Biscomb Daley/L. Phillips - performed by Reggae Sam
- La Mari - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato 507 (Renato)
- La Nona Ercolina In Sao Paulo- Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- La Pasion Que Nos Devora- L. Schultz/D. Schultz - performed by Shirley Bassey
- La Prision- D.Choy/A.Vargas/L.Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- La Rosa de los Vientos- Romulo Castro - performed by Romulo Castro and Ruben Blades
- La Tinga- Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- La Tocadera - L.Aulder/Montaner/Manavello - performed by Renato
- Laba Laba & Ce Se Se -R.Williams/P. Dinletir - performed by Negro Jetro
- Las Tiernas- Luis Phillips - performed by Ness y Los Sensacionales
- Las Vegas- Big Daddy G and Paul Dinletir
- Lastimaste Mi Corazon- G.Rodriguez/Owen Rennalls - performed by Jimmy Bad Boy
- Latin Hypnosis- Gabriel Rosati - performed by Gabriel Rosati
- Latino America - J. Patrono/A. Patrono BMG Music Publishing performed by Los Diablos
- Lejos de ti- Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- Life Odyssey- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Llego La Hora- K. Philips/L. Phillips/G. Mason - performed by Kathy
- Llegaron A Pregonar - Choy/Vargas/Morgan EMI Blackwood Music performed by Kathy with Jam & Suppose
- Lo Loco - Mauricio Chu
- Lo Mueve Good - Phillips/Mason/Castillo - performed by Toby King
- Loco In Bed- Phillips/Mason/Biscomb - performed by Reggae Sam
- Loco Loco - P.Vargas, Lenin Garcia, BMG Music Publishing on behalf of Fuerte Suerte Music- Los Diablos
- Locura, Demencia y Cuero - Phillips/Mason/Aulder - performed by Renato
- Los de la Vega - Mason/William- performed by Sirujano
- Los Pistoloeros- Choy/Vargas/Morgan/Dunlap - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Los Tiempos De Felicidad- Schultz/Abramzon/Marafioti - performed by Matt Monro
- Lover Boy - R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Yellow Ranks
- Lovin You - George Martinez - George Martinez and the Aces
- Luz de Esperanza - Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- Luz de la Manana- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Madre - G. Smith/E. Montero - performed by Cocoman
- Magnate "El Magnate" - Leonardo Renato Aulder- performed by Renato 507
- Mal Educado Rapero- ozzie forbes/lester marquez - performed by Ceja and DJ Erick
- Mama Rico- Alcides Vargas/L. Phillips/G. Mason- performed by Jam
- Mambo Rico- Luis Eric Gonzalez
- Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Mandao A Tu Mama- Luis Phillips/A. Vargas/L. Morgan - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Mariflor- A. Vargas/L. Morgan/L. Phillips/Big Daddy G. - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Marciano Meneaito - Winston Brown/Big Daddy G. - performed by Gaby with Big Daddy G.
- Meet and Greet - Marco LInares - performed by Jazztastic Duo
- Me Canse- Diana Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Me Enamore- L. Schultz/D. Schultz - performed by Jose Feliciano
- Me Falleste- Luis Phillips - performed by Aspirante
- Me Hace Falta Tu Amor - Katherine Phillips performed by Kathy
- Me Quiero Acercar - Phillips/Madrid/Lamboglia/Morales - performed by Cellula
- Me Tienes (You Got Me) - Mason/Forbes performed by the Dream Team
- Me Vale- Luis Phillips - performed by Family Business
- Melao- Phillips/Mason/Vanegas - performed by Reggae Kid
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" (Original)- Winston Brown - performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" D.F.- Mix vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" DJ Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" Hip Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" House Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" N.Y. Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" Party Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" PV Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" Trip Mix- vers. Big Daddy G. performed by Gaby
- Meneaito "El Meneaito" Mega Mix Medley- vers. Big Daddy G
- Meneaito Boom Boom "Meneito Boom Boom/Meneito Bum Bum- Alcides Vargas, Big Daddy G., Luis Phillips performed by Mista Jams
- Meneaito Asi - Big Daddy G./L. Phillips/W. Brown performed by Gaby
- Menealoito (Meneaito II) - D.Choy/W. Brown - performed by Gaby
- Meneo - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Metele que Metele- Luis Phillips - performed by Lorna
- Mentiras- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Mi Mambo Rico (Mambo Rico) - Gonzalez/Oliva
- Mi Nuevo Swing - L. Phillips - performed by Kathy
- Mi Pistolon- Phillips/Mason/Aulder - performed by Renato
- Mira Como Ella Goza- Phillips/Mason/Vanegas - performed by Reggae Kid
- Mi Triste Confecion- Luis Phillips - performed by Goofy
- Mix Up- Choy/Vargas/Morgan/Dunlap - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Mooladhara Root Chakra - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Morning Coffee - Marc Linares - Jazztastic Duo
- Mr Jolly All Night - Leonardo Renato Aulder, Gary Mason, Chrystian Cedeno, and Jose Espinosa- performed by Renato (Renato 507)
- Mucha Papaya - Katherine Phillips - performed by Kathy
- Muchas Puntas- Todd M. Owens ASCAP performed by T Quest World Famous
- Muevete- Winston Brown - performed by Gaby
- My Scream - Roy Stoler/Uri Levanon
- Nacer - Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Nada Te Interesa - Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Nada De Nadie- Winston Brown - performed by Gaby
- Neferititi's Secret (Falling Far Away) - Luis Castellanos
- Nena Bailalo- Phillips/Mason/Vanegas - performed by El Padrino and Rude Boy
- Never Will You Find - Fatima Ribeiro Marques/Nigol Tchalakian/Chris Paul
- New Dawn - Marco Linares - Mantra Bros
- New Energy - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Night Trek- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Nina Consentida- Nestor Daniel Hoyer - performed by Nestor Daniel
- No A Las Drogas- E. Montero/G.A. Smith - performed by Cocoman
- No Aguantan- L. Phillips/G.Mason/F. Amaya/V. Ocana - performed by Traficantes "Padrino & Rude Boy"
- No Diggiti- Luis Phillips - performed by Family Business
- No Estuve Muerto - L. Phillips - performed by Los Embajadores Del Reggae
- No Fingire- L. Schultz/D. Schultz - performed by Shirley Bassey
- No Hay Que Pagarle- Phillips/Mason - performed by Lyrics Man/Original Dan
- No Hueles Bien- Choy/Vargas/Morgan/Dunlap - performed by Jam & Suppose
- No Me Busquen Mas- Mauricio Chu - performed by Killa Ranks
- No Me Hables Mas De Amor- L. Schultz/R. Abramzon - performed by Shirley Bassey
- No Me Mires Asi- L. Schultz, R. Abramzon - performed by Manoella Torres and Los Diablos
- No Para de Llamar - L. Phillips - performed by Dangerous
- No Reason- Donna Cristy/Gordon Dziedziak
- No Te Vayas- Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- No Tengo Plata- Mauricio Chu - performed by 2Pak
- No Voy A Llorar- Phillips/Mason - performed by Tany D.
- Numens- luz angela jimenez
- Number One (One) - Javier Morales
- O Shanti O (Save Our Home) - Diane Diamond
- Orgasmic Universe - Marco Linares - Jazztastic Duo
- Oh Yeah!!- Dunlap/Jackson/Stower/Shalari from the movie Street Wars
- One Heart - Marco LInares - Jazztastic Duo
- Oooh La La- Big Daddy G.
- Orgasmic Universe- Marco Linares - performed by the Jazztastic Duo
- Origenes- Romulo Castro - performed by Marco Linares
- Original De Alante- Phillips/Mason - performed by Kunfu and Robert Dance
- Pan Remix- Mason/Phillips/Rennalls various
- Papi Chulo- todd owens - performed by T Quest World Famous
- Papi- Mason, Phillips, Aulder - performed by Renato
- Para Que No Te Vayas- J. Patrono/A. Patrono BMG Music Publishing performed by Los Diablos
- Parte De La Historia- Romulo Castro/Dino Nuggent - performed by Marco Linares
- Passion - Marco Linares - performed by Jazztastic Duo
- Paso La Vida Pensando- J. Feliciano/L. Schultz - performed by Jose Feliciano
- Pau Pau -Marco Linares/Antonio Imbert - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- Pay The Price - George Martinez - George Martinez and the Aces
- Paz - Aulder/Dunlap EMI Blackwood Music performed by Kathy
- Peace - Aulder/Dunlap EMI Blackwood Music performed by Renato
- Pelotas - L.Aulder/Owen Rennalls performed by Renato
- Pendejos- Franklin Amaya/Victor Ocana/Luis Phillips - performed by Traficantes "Padrino & Rude Boy"
- Perdoname- Diana Rodiriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Picante- Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Pinta- Gabriel Smith/Big Daddy G - performed by Cocoman
- Pistola - L. Aulder/L. Phillips - performed by Renato
- Por Abajo- Miller, Aulder - performed by Renato
- Por Que Sera - G. Smith/E. Montero - performed by Cocoman
- Por Que Me Mientes - Eman E. Jimenez - performed by Kathy y Makano
- Por Un Beso- Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Power Up- Big Daddy G.
- Pram Pram Putan aka: Pram Pram Puta - Phillips/Mason - performed by Original Jamaica
- Pretty Girl- R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Johnny Bad Boy
- Problema Latino - Mason/Phillips/Aulder - performed by Renato
- Puente Del Mundo-Romulo Castro - performed by Marco Linares
- Que Bacilon- luz angela jimenez/marco linares - performed by Luz Angela
- Que No- Luz Angela Jimenez/Marco Linares/Joseph Oliveras - performed by Luz y Jose
- Que Bum Bum - Choy/L.Aulder/Dunlap - performed by Renato
- Que Hablen Lo Que Quieran- Phillips/Mason/Vanegas - performed by Jr. Ranks
- Que Loquer - Halliburton/ Aulder - performed by Renato
- Que Pasara- Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips and Erick Jair
- Que Sucede - L. Schultz/R. Abramzon - performed by Los Diablos
- Que Tas Llorando- Ivan Broce - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Quema Feeling- L. Phillips - performed by by Deblon & Terrific featuring Negro Jetro
- Quiebale un pie - L. Phillips - performed by El Novato
- Quiereme - L. Aulder/L. Phillips - performed by Renato
- Quieren Mas-L. Phillips/G. Mason/I. Quintanar/F. Amaya - performed by Traficantes "Nash & Rude Boy"
- Quiero Estar A Tu Lado- Leonardo Schultz ; Raul Abramzon - performed by Jose Feliciano
- Quiero Fiesta- Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato 507 (Renato)
- Quiero Pussy - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato 507 (Renato)
- Quiero Que Tu Sepas- raymond linares - performed by Pj & Mini
- Radio Remix- North- L. Phillips/G. Mason
- Radio Remix- South - L. Phillips/G. Mason
- Ragga Fiesta Club Mix- Mauricio Chu/Big Daddy G
- Ragga Fiesta Radio Mix- Mauricio Chu/Big Daddy G
- Ragga Force Mega Mix- Brown/Aulder/White/Mason/Phillips
- Ragga Force Radio Edit- Phillips/Mason/Aulder
- Ragga War Radio Edit (Radio Remix North)- Phillips/Mason
- Rama - A. Vargas/L. Morgan/L. Phillips - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Reggaeton (Reggaeton con Marimba)- raymond linares - performed by 24-7
- Regresso- R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Bossi Killa
- Reinvention- David F. Smith/Torrey Thornton
- Renacer- Oliva/jordano/serrano/murcino/linares - performed by Marco Linares
- Repartiendo Machete- Phillips/Mason/Gondo - performed by Kunfu y Chino
- Retaliation- Dunlap/Authority from the movie Street Wars performed by Authority
- Rica Cosita - J. Castillo/O. Santamara/L. Phillips/G.Mason - performed by Traficantes "Deblon & Terrific"
- Romantic Journey- Marco Linares - performed by Jazztastic Duo
- Rooster- Dunlap/Authority - from the movie Street Wars performed by Authority
- Ropa Prestadoa (Ropa Prestada)- A. Vargas/L. Morgan/L. Phillips - performed by Jam & Suppose
- Rouch & Touching- Choy/L.Aulder/Dunlap - performed by Renato
- Sahasrara Crown Chakra - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Save Our Home - Diane Diamond - performed by Diane Diamond
- Scalpthem- Luis Phillips
- Screw Jeans Song (If You Want Me) - Michael Brown
- Se Esconden- Phillips/Mason/White - performed by Aldo Ranks
- Se Que Mientes- Luz Angela Jimenez/Marco Linares/Joseph Oliveras performed by Luz and Jose
- Searching For The Sun- Dave Coe
- Sed- Luz Angela Jimenez - performed by Luz Angela
- Seeking - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Semsi - Phillips/Mason - performed by Corruption Team
- Senora Mia- Daniel Nestor Hoyer - performed by Nestor Daniel
- Serious - Cole/Dunlap/Houston/Rice - performed by Thelma Houston
- Shades of Water - Marco Linares - performed by the Mantra Bros
- Shake It For Real- Ricki M. Brown
- Share It All With You - George Martinez - George Martinez and the Aces
- Shavasan Deep Relaxation - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Si Algun Dia - ozzie forbes/lester marquez - performed by Alberto Stylee and DJ Goldy
- Si Quieres Jugar- Phillips/Mason/Ocana/Amaya - performed by Padrino & Rude Boy
- Si Pudiera Se (la Luna)- Diana Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Si Yo Te Quiero Mas - Daniel Schultz/Leonardo Schultz
- Sigo Sin Ti- Katherine Phillips/L. Phillips/G. Mason - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Sigo Sin Ti Remix- Katherine Phillips/L. Phillips/G. Mason - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Simplemente Reggae- Luis Phillips/Aristides Lamboglia/Alberto Morales- performed by Cellula
- Smiles- luz angela jimenez
- Soft and Sweet - George C. Martinez - performed by George Martinez and The Aces
- Solo Con Un Beso - Phillips/Aristides/Morales - performed by Cellula
- Solo Love Por Ti - Marco Linares/Bruno Linares - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- Solo Yo Aqui - Marco Linares/Bruno Linares - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- Someone - Brein/Dunlap/Jenkins
- Son Palabras - marco linares/luz angela jimenez/joseph oliveres performed by Luz y Jose
- Son Patos - Phillips/Castillo - performed by Toby King
- Sonar- Arturo Chinoi Hassan- performed by Marco Linares
- Song Of The Angels- Luz Angela Jimenez
- South Beach (Get High) - Levanon/Aboukrat/PaZ
- Soy El Mas Sensual - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato
- Soy El Mas Sensual Remix - Aulder/Phillips/Big Daddy G. Performed by Renato
- Soy Feo y Que- L. Phillips/G. Mason/A. Centeno - performed by Traficantes "Crazy Boy"
- Soy Tu Leche - L. Aulder - performed by Renato
- Space Jungle- Big Daddy G.
- Sparklin Stars - luz angela jimenez - performed by Luz Angela Jimenez
- Speed of Light - Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Spirit's Around Us - luz angela jimenez- performed by Luz Angela Jimenez
- Spirit Healing - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Street Wars - M. Dunlap - from the movie Street Wars
- Sueno de Amor - Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- Sunburst - Marco Linares - performed by Jazztastic Duo
- Surrender - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Suspiros- Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- Suwi-R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Yellow Ranks/Banton Brown
- Suwy- R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Yellow Ranks/Banton Brown
- Swadisthana Sacral Chakra - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Taking Your Love - S. Bernard/Owen Rennalls - performed by Wildflower and Renato
- Tamborrente -Marco Linares - performed by Marco Linares
- Tao Tao Meneaito - Vargas/Phillips/Big Daddy G.
- Tarzan- G. Smith/E. Montero - performed by Cocoman
- Te Amare Por Siempre- Phillips/Mason - performed by Wicked Launch & When
- Te Dire Cuanto Te Quiero- L. Garica performed by Los Diablos
- Te Escribo Esta Carta- Raymond Linares - Junny, Jersey y Fraster
- Te Lo Meto (Se Lo Meto) -Phillips/Mason/Vargas/Morgan performed by Jam and Suppose
- Te Vi- marco linares/luz angela jimenez/joseph olvieres - performed by Luz y Jose
- Te Voy a Olvidar - Katherine Phillips - performed by Kathy
- Teresa Batista- Jose Alberto Calderon - performed by Marco Linares
- That's What She Wants - Halliburton, Aulder - performed by Renato
- That's What's Goin On- Jorge Nicolas Rodriguez - performed by Nico Canada
- The Reinvention- David F. Smith/Torrey Thornton
- Thinking About You At Christmas - Leonardo Renato Aulder, Gary Mason, Chrystian Cedeno, and Jose Espinosa- performed by Renato 507
- This Old Man - Marco Linares- performed by 2pack and the Ragga Force Allstars
- Tic Toc - George Martinez - George Martinez and the Aces
- Tiembla Tiembla- Winston Brown - performed by Gaby
- Tienen El Control- ozzie forbes/lester marquez
- Timbal - Marco Linares/Antonio Imbert - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- Time To Rejoice- Dunlap/Fanaka - from the movie Street Wars
- Tiralo Pa' Bajo- Phillips/Mason/Vargas/Morgan - performed by Jam (Mista Jams) & Suppose
- Todas La Guiales - G.A. Smith/L. Phillips - performed by Cocoman
- Todo Volvio A Comenzar- L. Schultz - performed by Jose Feliciano
- Trailing Stars- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Trance of The Cobra- Marco Linares/Big Daddy G. performed by The Mantra Bros
- Trance Fusion- Marco Linares/Big Daddy G. performed by the Mantra Bros
- Trance Romance- Big Daddy G.
- Tribal Universe- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Tricky - Big Daddy G. Mix - Mizell/McDaniels/Rubin/Simmons/Big Daddy G.
- Trippin- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- True Love - Marco Linares. - performed by Jazztastic Duo
- Try A Little Bit Harder - Ragovoy/Taylor/Rennalls - performed by Pearl
- Tu Boca- Luis Phillips - performed by Duo Veloz
- Tu Eres Mi Chica (Guaracha)- Leonardo Renato Aulder- performed by Renato and Digital One
- Tu Eres Mi Sueno- L. Phillips/G.Mason/F. Amaya/V. Ocana - performed by Traficantes "Padrino & Rude Boy"
- Tu Amor "Electro Fest" - Leonardo Renato Aulder - performed by Renato 507 and Digital One
- Tu No Aguantas- Luis A. Rosario Caban "Vega"
- Tu Y Yo- Luis Phillips/Aristades Lamboglia performed by Cellula
- Un Dia Como Hoy- Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Un Dia Como Hoy (Reggae)-Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Un Dia Como Hoy (Remix) - Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Un Dia Como Hoy (Romantico) - Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Un Dia Como Hoy (Tex Mex) - Erick Joel Rodriguez - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Una Oportunidad (Un Oportunidad)- Ezequiel Madrid - performed by Kathy Phillips
- Van A Llorar - Luis Phillips - Jam and Suppose
- Van A Temblar - Phillips/Mason - performed by Papa Chan
- Ven Conmigo - L. Aulder - performed by Renato
- Vengo A Mil- D.Choy/W. Brown - performed by Gaby
- Vengo Caliente- DJ Black/Owen Rennalls - performed by DJ Black
- Victoria Rivers- luz angela jimenez
- Victory - luz angela jimenez
- Village Waves- Marco Linares - performed by the Mantra Bros
- Virachocha y La Nusta Aresenia- Marco Linares
- Vissudhi Throat Chakra - Big Daddy G, Madhu Deevanapalli, Bastien Benkhelil - performed by Sri Madhu
- Vivir Sin Ti - Luz Angela Jimenez - performed by Luz Angela
- Volveras- L. Schultz/M. Muscarsel - performed by Shirley Bassey
- Volvere Alguna Vez "Volvere" - L. Schultz/R. Abramzon - performed by Jose Feliciano and Matt Monro
- Voy Voy - Acevedo/Centeno/Rennalls - performed by Daddy Rasta & Crazy Boy
- Vuelveme a Querer - Samgar Biscomb Daly - performed by Reggae Sam
- Wake Up and Smile - Owen Rennalls, Clevie Browne, Big Daddy G., Geddys Ferguson and Jeffery Williams performed by Jeff Wyllz
- We Can Do What We Want (No Reason) Christy/Dziedziak
- Wiggle It, Jiggle It - Todd M. Owens ASCAP performed by T Quest World Famous
- Winter Solstice- Marco Linares- performed by the Mantra Bros
- Work Dat Culo- Todd M. Owens - performed by T Quest World Famous
- X-Dub - Omar Javier Morales
- Xuxa Y Su Madre- Phillips/Mason/Aulder - performed by Renato
- Ya La Encontre - R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Little Banton
- Ya No Regresso Contigo- L. Phillips/K. Phillips - performed by Kathy with DJ Craig
- Yaga Yaaa- R.Williams/G.Mason - performed by Baby Lion
- Yo Estoy Cool- Luis Phillips - performed by Mr. Cash
- Yo No Lo Hare- Edwin Pulgar - performed by Argenis Carruyo
- Yo No Quiero Ser- Marco Linares/Antonio Imbert - performed by 2pack and The Ragga Force Allstars
- Yo Solo Quiero Bailar- Marco Linares/Bruno Linares - performed by 2pack & The Ragga Force Allstars
- Yo Soy El Bad- leonardo renato aulder - performed by Renato
- Yo Te Amo - Mauricio Chu - Performed by Pamela
- Yo Te Meto La Mano - Luis Phillips - performed by DC General
- Yo Te Quiero- R.Williams/P. Dinletir - performed by Ness y Los Sensacionales
- You Got Me "Me Tienes"- Big Daddy G./Ozzie Forbes - performed by The Dream Team
- You Will Never Find (never will you find)- Fatima Ribeiro Marques/Nigol Tchalakian/Chris Paul
- You're All I Need - M. Dunlap performed by Michael Dunlap